A good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines as Mission Impossible 2...and this movie came out 2 years before MI2. MaybA good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines as Mission Impossible 2...and this movie came out 2 years before MI2. Maybe MI2 saw this and copied it on a big scale. Ron Pearlman is as sinister as he always is and Clint Howard plays the same quirky, goofball he is so good at. Annabelle Schofield and Morgan Brittany are sexy and fun to watch. 安吉熊影院天龙影院搞笑片等全新电影柠檬观看网日本、港台、大陆电影迅雷下载,电视剧免费全集观看又名全集剧情片以及热播动漫,综艺,明星资料,演员表,剧情,资讯等随时享受最新在线高清电影、电视剧。。88影视更全内涵动作片、喜剧片、好莱坞大片安吉熊影院,高清完整版免费在线观看超振奋的电影韩剧、日剧、美剧详情